Friday, March 14, 2008

Tips to Reduce Acne for Clearer Skin

A clear and blemish-free skin does not only make a person look good but also boost self-confidence. But because of varying skin types among individuals across different age groups and nationalities, skin care can also vary, sometimes to a great extent. Factors such as genetic, hormonal and lifestyle can cause skin problems. The following tips are helpful in order to reduce acne and achieve clearer skin.

The best way to achieve a clear complexion is to keep face clean. Washing the face after exposure to dust and pollution can be helpful. Using mild soaps or hypoallergenic soaps may be advisable for sensitive skin. It is important to remove make-up with a gentle make-up remover or cleanser prior to going to bed. Sleeping with make-up on is not advisable in caring for the skin. Minimizing the use of heavy make-up allows the skin to rejuvenate itself from the harmful causes of heavy foundation that covers up the skin.

Acne-prone skins can benefit from cleansing the face with dermatologist-tested and hypoallergenic facial solution. Using a medically-proven product that suits the skin well and prevents it from breaking out is ideal instead of trying out different skin care products that may just harm the skin. It is important to know that not all individuals have the same skin types and resilience. A skin-care product that works for one person may produce unpleasant side effects to another. To reduce acne, it is better to be careful with the products that are being applied to the skin.

Diet modification is also helpful towards achieving beautiful skin and to reduce acne. Proper management of oily and fatty foods in the diet is extremely important for individuals with skin types that are prone to acne break-outs. This is not only good for the health but it also reduces the oil that is extracted through the skin that can cause skin problems.

Depending upon the severity of acne, topical creams such as Azelaic creams and Benzoyl Peroxide may be administered with proper instructions from a dermatologist. Other treatment options such as oral skin care medications and antibiotic treatments may be advised as necessary. Adequate sleep and proper hydration are also practical tips to reduce acne.

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